Alexander Robertson

Glenville | Youth and Families

Alex Robertson

Alexander Robertson is the cofounder of Cleveland Youth Landscaping, a vocational program that hires youth, ages 14-18, to perform free landscaping services to Glenville residents.  In February 2015, Alex launched his first nonprofit, re-inspired, and began working on two additional community projects.  The first, Recess Cleveland, repurposes vacant lots in the Cleveland area by manicuring the space and inviting nearby residents to join attendees of previous recess events for organized games of dodge ball, kickball, hula hooping, and more in the newly reactivated space.  The second, minorTasks, is an online platform that will connect freelance youth contractors with residents who need someone to pick up their groceries, paint, provide landscaping services, remove debris, and/or any other tasks a kid from their community can do.  Alex is a 20 year resident of Glenville and a graduate of the Computer Engineering program at Columbia University.  He is also an avid volunteer who frequently speaks to youth about entrepreneurship and education during his spare time.