Sharon McDuffie

Cleveland | Social Services


Sharon McDuffie has always had it in her to help others which is why she developed her organization, Creative Circle.  Creative Circle is a program designed to assist women returning home from prison.  One of her goals is to help them reunite with their children and rebuild the bond, as well as aid them in obtaining healthy living arrangements.  From that work she found that assisting the moms was one thing, but she soon realized the entire family needed attention.  So, she expanded her program to include the fathers returning home.  From that birthed “Bonding with Flour” and “Food, Love and the 2 of U!” that includes moms and dads with their children using food to create healthy communication skills and familial relationships.  The programs are designed to bring the entire family back to the kitchen to learn healthy food selection and eating habits, meal preparation, teamwork, and just talk.   In developing the program and having the family work together everyone would be allowed to step back into their roles and rebuild the family.  Sharon obtained both her undergraduate and graduate degrees from Cleveland State University.