Central | Social Services
Working with youth since 2015, Johnny Robinson Jr. has served as a mentor, a resource, and an advocate for youth and families. As his passion for youth and civic engagement grew, so did his involvement in the community, ranging from facilitating OST programs, coordinating youth councils, bringing community stakeholders together for collaboratives and more. Johnny has hosted a variety of different community events to address concerns throughout the neighborhood and to help eliminate barriers and improve the quality of life for youth and families in Ward 5. In 2011, Johnny graduated from Ginn Academy as the Valedictorian. He later attended the University of Akron where he received his Bachelor’s Degree in Sports Management, then obtained his Master’s Degree in Sports Administration. In 2020, he received the “Champion of Central” award and in 2023, he was featured in the 15th Anniversary Edition of Who’s Who In Black Cleveland. He lives by the quote “the ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy,” Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.