Austin Boxler

Detroit Shoreway | Community Organizing


Austin Boxler has always been interested in politics and government. In 2014, he started working as a Community Organizer for Detroit Shoreway Community Development Organization (DSCDO). As an organizer at DSCDO, Austin is deeply involved in Cleveland Neighborhood Progress’s Organizers & Allies (O&A), a guild for community organizers that works to connect organizers to professional development and capacity-building opportunities, advocates on behalf of organizers on a variety of issues that impact the community organizing and community development industries, and administers a small grant program that helps grassroots leaders implement community-building projects. Austin’s project is to push O&A towards engaging in more policy work in order to elevate the voices of the communities that CDC organizers serve. Austin earned his Bachelor’s degree in Political Science and Urban Studies from Brown University. He is enrolled in the Masters of Public Administration program at Cleveland State University, and has worked as a Research Assistant in the Center for Community Planning & Development.