Joshua Jones

University Circle | Community Organizing


Joshua Jones is a believer in the essential goodness of a city which serves everyone. As a youth, he frequently participated in service projects, such as painting, cooking, and fundraising, and his passion to serve continues as a young adult. At the Cleveland Institute of Music’s Center for Innovative Musicianship, Joshua strives to connect experts, artists, neighbors, and technology for social benefit through broadening the education of elite musicians to include purposeful community engagement with classical music’s underserved audiences.  He will use this new opportunity to seek out neighborhood partners in the greater University Circle area. Through his passion for arts engagement and social justice, the goal is to embrace Clevelanders as collaborators in educating the next generation of world-class musicians. In the process, local adults and children can form a new connection to classical music and actively incorporate it into their neighborhood betterment efforts. Joshua also volunteers for urban planning, beautification, and programming efforts. His passions for racial equity, sustainable urbanism, LGBT rights, and the arts grew from seeds planted at Kent State University.