Mary Kauffman

Slavic Village | Social Services

Mary Kauffman

Mary Kauffman, an artistic, bohemian-techy, spends her life-ticking moments analyzing what she thinks while thinking about what she analyzes. Her state of being is defined by an existence of work that allows her to provide connections to resources and programming through the innovative use of technology.  One such work can be seen through a program called TechBOOM. TechBOOM, a program started at University Settlement’s Magic Johnson Community Empowerment Center, is designed to engage people, young to old, on being “technology literate”. TechBOOM empowers, enriches and educates people on how to solve problems through some form of technology. Currently, the program is provided at Alexia Manor and Lorexis Apartments, Harvard Village Senior Apartments and Fleet Public Library and provides technology instruction through an entertaining gaming format. TechBOOM aims to create “people booming with technology” so they can solve problems in the areas of education, communication, and socialization.