Nancy Feighan

Central | Social Services


Nancy Feighan knows there is a divide between our youth and seniors, and between our youth and the police.  She also recognizes the tension of that divide often breeds conflict-filled relationships, resulting in a breakdown in communication, misperceptions, and resentment.  Her solution is to build a symbiotic relationship among our youth, seniors and police through the creation of the Youth-Police Development Council (YPDC).  The YPDC will focus on three initiatives: The Leadership Development Program, The Youth-Police Mediation Program, and The Solution-Oriented Policing Program. The objective of the YPDC is to engage adults and police to invest in our youth and help them build bridges and link their social capital, so they can achieve success. This will be accomplished through monthly meetings with successful relatable guest community speakers.  Additionally, youth-led projects designed to create community pride and relationship building will generate lasting and meaningful bonds among the groups. Nancy serves on the Boards of Cleveland Police Foundation and the Mayo Society of Greater as well as devotes her time to several charitable and service organizations. She is a graduate of Tiffin University and an alumna of the Mandel Leadership Development Program.