Cleveland/East Cleveland | Social Services
Randall York has an affinity for socially marginalized individuals and is an active leader working with the un-housed population. Acutely focused on needs specific to the homeless and identifying gaps and weaknesses concerning community services, he co-founded TinyVillage-CLE (TVC), an emerging organization and coalition of aligned partners working toward a smarter, cost effective, and sustainable alternative to current housing opportunities for Cleveland’s displaced low-income residents. TVC promotes self-governed eco-conscious villages that encourage community involvement and self-help scenarios to restore hope and motivation that fuels positive contributions to self, community, and humanity by furthering autonomy and self-sufficiency. Randall has also formed an association of artists and arts-enthusiasts that seek to connect resources to artists in East Cleveland, one of the nation’s poorest municipalities. The aspiration is to utilize the arts as a means of community building, strengthening neighborhoods, and generating an economic presence. The overarching theme is to restore hope to a marginalized and disenfranchised group of individuals in order to unveil their hidden talents and underappreciated value so that we all may enjoy an improved quality of life.